our team of
are here to help you with your living wellness goals.
Our appointment process is personalized - including Nature's Sunshine Professional Programs - natural health products, holistic nutrition and positive lifestyle strategies; designed for you, considering your metabolic body typing individuality and personal goals for optimal health. As a client of our integrative nutritional wellness centre, you can expect to feel valued, listened to, and truly cared for.
Herbology is the art and science of using herbs for promoting health and preventing and treating illness. The primary focus of a clinical herbalist is to treat people as individuals irrespective of the disease or condition they have, and to support their internal healing power through the use of such modalities like herbs, diet, and lifestyle. Herbs can offer you a wide range of safe and effective therapeutic agents that you can use as an integral part of your own personalized "natural medicine" health care program.
Your ultimate "key to life". Our clinical Full Blood Assessments give us the ability to see and understand how your blood cells communicate with each-other within their surroundings. Nutritional Blood Microscopy is a specialized technique within "Integrative Health Sciences" that deals with the analysis of human blood under a dark field microscope. This tool allows for the interpretation of how cells are responding to what is being put inside your body. This may be as simple as your specific food choices and ultimate daily stress levels, as well as the chemical environment to which your body is exposed.
Our Holistic Nurses are trained in health coaching, counselling, nutritional balancing, stress management, integrative medicine and other holistic health modalities. They also attend to environmental and lifestyle factors that affect their client’s health. Integrative Nursing integrates traditional, natural therapeutics with modern scientific medical diagnoses and western medical standards of care.
Clinical Nutrition is the study of the relationship between food ingested and the well-being of the body. They understand that eating nutritionally balanced food is one of the main foundations of good health. Adopting a healthy diet and lifestyle is often the first step towards correcting health problems. Many health challenges can be reversed eating a balanced diet in conjunction with using nutritional support where needed.
Low Level Light treatment stimulate nerve function and increase blood supply to the target area. It stimulates the immune system and promotes rapid wound healing, reducing inflammation and relieving acute and chronic pain.


Jayne Kadynuik
Doctor of Natural Medicine
& Clinic Director
Graduate of University of Manitoba

Chris Perrett
Integrative Medicine Nurse & Manager of Nursing Services
​​Graduate of University of Manitoba

Ashley Kaglik
Graduate of University of Manitoba
Senior Blood Practitioner for
Educational Training